Accounting Advisory

Accounting advisory

Our accounting professionals provide support in the proper preparation of accounting regulations, the revision of existing regulations, the continuous and orderly operation of accounting records and bookkeeping, and the management of any new economic events that may arise.

In addition to providing assistance with complex accounting issues, we will examine your existing regulations (accounting policies, system of accounts accounts, cash management rules, rules for accounting for surplus, scrap, impaired assets, etc.) to ensure that their content complies with the applicable legal requirements.

Our accounting advisory services are designed to help you navigate the ever-changing international and domestic accounting regulations. Our staff are highly qualified accounting professionals with many years of experience, who keep their knowledge up to date through continuous training and prepare for expected changes so that they can provide high quality answers to our clients' questions, not only in the light of current rules but also in the light of expected changes.

Our accounting professionals provide ongoing or ad hoc advice on ensuring compliance with legislation, drafting or revising regulations, accounting and administrative management of new economic events.


In the process of preparing financial reports, entities must keep a permanent record of all events that occur in the course of their activities and affect their assets, liabilities, financial position or profit or loss. In keeping the accounts, the cpmpany keeps records of economic events affecting its assets, liabilities, financial position and income and closes them at the end of the financial year. Our staff contribute to the preparation of annual, periodic, and consolidated reports.

Financial reports

The effectiveness and efficiency of companies' operations can be monitored by managers on the basis of financial reports that are of the right quality and available on time.

The availability of financial information (cash-flow, balance sheet, profit and loss account, all with comparable data) is essential to make the right business decisions.

Consultancy in connection with transformation

Restructuring a company or a group of companies is a complex process, requiring professional project management and specialised expertise, often without internal resources.

A successful transformation requires tax, accounting, legal expertise and administrative knowledge of the whole process to ensure that companies comply with all regulatory requirements until the new company structure is registered with the Court of Registration.

Owners and management have to make a number of critical decisions during the process, which require the right information and knowledge to ensure that the transformation is not just an administrative process, but also, if possible, a value-adding one.

Our trained staff are ready to answer any accounting questions you may have throughout your business. Contact us with confidence!


Contact details:

Gabriella Horváth



Julianna Varga

