Tax advisory

TAX advisory

The importance of taxation is undeniable; inappropriate decisions can have serious financial consequences. With proper preparation and tax planning, you can not only reduce costs but also explore new opportunities. In the field of taxation, it is essential to be up to date and to keep monitoring the field. Tax advisory is a diverse activity directly linked to the fulfilment of taxpayers' tax obligations.?? 

We have been providing tax advice in our offices in Mosonmagyaróvár and Győr for 15 years. Due to the geographical position of Győr-Moson-Sopron county, we often encounter cross-border transactions in the course of our work.

Continuous contact with both clients and authorities is important in tax advisory. With this in mind, our tax advisory team will help you find a solution, whether it's corporate tax, indirect tax or tax authority procedures. Our regulated internal processes guarantee proper and always up-to-date administration. Our tax advisors are available to assist you on a daily basis, both with compulsory tax obligations and with tax issues that require ad hoc consideration, saving you time and effort.



We help our clients with VAT-related questions at both local and regional level. We provide advice on your administrative and tax return obligations. We make it easier for both individuals and businesses to prepare their tax returns. The interpretation of the VAT Act is a continuous task, our tax advisory colleagues with many years of experience monitor changes in the law from the drafting stage to the promulgation, and constantly consult with legislators and the various authorities on the interpretation of the law. Request for resolutions, tax rulings and supervisory measures are all fields in which we are at Your disposal.

Corporate Tax advisory

Based on the up-to-date and extensive expertise of our consultants, we provide our clients with general tax advice on corporate tax, local taxes, innovation levy, duty and sector specific taxes. In the field of tax allowances, we assist our clients in the preparation of the filing of applications for development tax allowances, tax allowances for energy efficiency investments, tax allowances for renovation, R&D tax allowances, among others.


Our tax advisory team conducts a tax due diligence to identify potential tax risks at the target company. We make proposals to address the tax risks identified. We review the contracts and legal documents prepared in connection with transactions for tax purposes. VAT due diligence and analysis of business processes is essential for successful business operations. In this context, we carry out tax due diligence of specific, individual transactions, contracts and processes (investment, procurement, sales) that determine the life of companies, and provide advice on these.

During tax inspections initiated by state and municipal tax authorities, our tax advisory colleagues provide continuous assistance. We prepare the businesses of our clients before the inspection according to its type.?At the end of the inspection, we provide solutions, including the preparation of observations and appeals, if necessary.


Contact details: 


Éva Szabados

